Conductive Keratoplasty

Augusta, Georgia

Augusta LASIK Surgery

CK is a new procedure and is FDA approved as a safe, non-laser, non-cutting technique that can reduce or eliminate your farsightedness and astigmatism. For many patients who are frustrated with their reading glasses or bifocals, Conductive Keratoplasty may be the answer.

Because of the flatness of the cornea, farsightedness is the most difficult disorder to treat with LASIK and it is most likely to cause post-LASIK complications such as dry eyes, hazy vision, light sensitivity or poor quality of vision.

CK is one of the first procedures designed specifically for the millions of people with presbyopia or astigmatism. Instead of a scalpel or a laser, CK uses a probe that is as thin as a strand of human hair, which releases radio frequency energy, treating your farsightedness or astigmatism without cutting or removing tissue.

CK reshapes the cornea by shrinking the corneal tissue, steepening the cornea and changing the way the eye focuses light. The radio frequency energy is applied in a circular pattern, causing a peripheral constriction and a relative central lengthening of the eye.

As the first FDA approved method for treating hyperopia (farsightedness), CK is quick! Less than 3 minutes per eye, using a topical anesthetic. With minimal post-operative discomfort, return of vision is almost immediate.

To schedule a CK consultation with Dr. Bruckner, give us a call at (706) 722-9601 or email us.